Published on 4th June, 2019


SengeSpecialisten enters a collaboration with the 34-year-old Astana star Jakob Fuglsang. The partnership runs until 2021 and will include the Tour de France, which in 2021 has its start in Denmark.

When top Danish rider Jakob Fuglsang starts in this year’s Tour de France in the Belgian capital, Brussels, on 6th July, it will also be the starting point for the pair’s collaboration race between the rider and SengeSpecialisten.

The partnership will run until the world’s largest cycling race starts in 2021. Sleep and recovery are crucial to achieving results as a world-class cyclist and the partnership is therefore a good match for both parties.

“I am very much looking forward to the close collaboration with SengeSpecialisten, who stands for quality, and they certainly specialise in their field. Recovery and sleep are crucial for me to deliver top results and I am in the best hands with SengeSpecialisten,” says Fuglsang.

So far, he has had a terrific season in 2019 with victories in both the one-day race Liège-Bastogne-Liège and the overall victory in the Critérium du Dauphiné stage race.

SengeSpecialisten is pleased with the recent collaboration too, which is the first of its kind for the bed chain, which has been in existence and advising Danes on the perfect bed for more than 20 years.

“With Jakob’s impressive results and the prospect of the Tour starting in Denmark in 2021, the timing could not be better. We look forward to cheering on Jakob,” said Tina Dauberg, Marketing Manager at Sengespecialisten.

Specialists in their respective fields

The bed chain has experienced great progress and last year they were able to open the doors to five new stores. Their hope is that the collaboration will increase people’s awareness of SengeSpecialisten and what they have to offer.

“In all modesty, we think it is the perfect match. Jakob is a professional, sympathetic and reliable person to talk about the importance of sleep. He is a specialist in his field, just as we are in ours. Therefore, we hope that with the collaboration with Denmark’s best rider, we can reach even more Danish customers,” said Dauberg.

Increased focus on sleep

It is not only professional cyclists who need good sleep. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on sleep as an essential part of everyone’s health.

“Sleep affects our lives in every aspect and we might not think about just how much. If we lie comfortably then we will sleep well, waking up fresh and well-rested for the day’s chores. We also know that we will wake up with a greater desire to exercise, be social and have more energy for the family. We say, ‘better bed, better you’,” explained Dauberg, referring to SengeSpecialisten’s customer experience.

“To ensure a good night’s sleep, it is essential to choose the right bed, and all our skilled employees are ready to advise the Danes about this when they visit our stores,” said Dauberg.

Contact person

Tina Dauberg, Marketing Manager at SengeSpecialisten - E-mail: - Mobile: +45 60 88 18 22