f Sports Group is working with many unique sports clients and the greatest of all time Michael Laudrup has been a client of ours from the very start. He is the born ambassador and companies who are working with him are ensured gaining a lot of exposure and increased sales.

The partnership between Michael Laudrup and BARONS is no exception.

The partnership has already brought massive exposure to the brand and the news about the collaboration was posted in some of the biggest Danish medias such as Jyllands Posten, Finans.dk, Euroman and Berlingske.

Since the launch BARONS has received great interest and has already sold a large number of the iconic polo and the sales just keep increasing.

BARONS wanted to do something different with the branding and therefore made a little teaser campaign to increase people’s curiosity. In the duration of a week BARONS had a billboard banner in Copenhagen, which each day revealed a little more of Michael Laudrup in a BARONS polo. Additionally, they ran a TV commercial with a funny twist. The video is really catching people’s attention and was shown on various channels and on SoMe.

Numbers show that 750,000 people have seen the TV commercial, that’s equivalent to 15% of the Danish population (source: Barons).

According to a report made by infomedia.dk key figures i.a. show that from the launch of the campaign in July 2022 to September 2022 Barons had a reach of 6,527,680 readers/viewers nationally

This is the perfect example on how storytelling and the right match between a brand and an ambassador can be turned in to something legendary!