In 2018 Aage Hareide became brand ambassador for VitaePro. It was a 2-year contract and in 2020 Aage Hareide and VitaePro extended their agreement for another two years.

Normally Aage Hareide isn’t a person who engages in partnerships, but when f Sports Group presented the opportunity to be the new ambassador of VitaePro to him, Aage Hareide saw an instant connection between him and the brand. He already knew the brand well and had been a consumer for several years already.

“For decades it’s been common to eat VitaePro in Norway, and it has been a natural part of my family’s lifestyle for several years too. My auntie swears that she can’t live without it. It’s also a part of Norway that I want to tell the Danes about. Besides that as a consumer you also know what it contains, which makes it much easier to recommend to others.” – said Aage Hareide

Aage Hareide is a former football player and manager and still leads a very active lifestyle. It’s of great importance to him to deliver 100% and to get the most out of every day. One way to do that is to maintain a healthy body. He has a busy schedule and sometimes it can be hard to give your body the nutrition that it needs, and then it’s great to have a supplement like VitaePro to take with you at any time and anywhere. He explains it like this:

“A car needs fuel otherwise it stops, the same goes for the body. With age it’s important for me to take care of my body to be able to maintain a high level of activity. I have to be better at looking after myself and that’s why I eat VitaePro.”

VitaePro wanted to strengthen their position in Denmark as one of the leading vitamin supplement brands and needed a familiar face to connect with the Danish consumers. As manager for the Danish national team, Aage Hareide was a face and name that most Danes knew. Additionally, his name was even more known as this was the time for the World Championship 2018.
Danish CMO Henrik Dessau said about the partnership:

“It’s important for us that our partnership with our brand ambassadors is a long-term agreement, and even though the name Aage Hareide is at everyone’s lips at the moment because of to the World Championship, our partnership is more than that. We want to have prominent ambassadors whom although they have a mature age, they still perform on the highest level, and that goes for Aage Hareide. The fact that he is Norwegian as well and has played for some of the biggest football clubs in the world and as a manager has won several national Championships for clubs in the North, just add to the storytelling”.

This is a perfect example on how a company can position themselves better on a preferred market, whether it’s a different country or target group.